My name is Crystal and I am a stay-at-home mom. My quest to save money on groceries began shortly after I got married in July 2008. I found myself spending close to $100 every time I went to the grocery store, and I was only shopping for myself and my husband! It was so depressing each week to leave the grocery store with a cart full of stuff I certainly didn't think was worth $100. I decided there must be a better way to shop and a better way to cook so that we could save more money.
Since then I have learned how to coupon, how to preserve food by canning and dehydrating, and how to garden. We now spend about $40 per week on groceries, and that's with the addition of my very hungry 19-month-old. Rather than let the grocery store control my spending habits, I now have complete control over each penny that I give them. Often the store pays me to take items home. Join me on this journey to learn new skills, save money, eat healthy, and spend more time doing the things that you love.